Compassion and understanding are what every person yearns for - they are both our most basic need and our deepest aspiration - compassion and understanding are what make us human. Along with those qualities go courage, discernment and inner freedom. Discerning the meaning of events, having the courage to talk about it, and meeting others with compassion is what understanding really means. True understanding is the basis for inner freedom, and freedom is the prerequisite for love.
Roll all this up into one, and you have the picture of the true nature of the human being. Qualities have archetypes. Archetypes are living beings. The spirit of compassion, courage and freedom is known as the Archangel Michael. Wherever we see people courageously standing up for the truth, when someone listens to ideas they don’t agree with, where we try to help those we despise; there you can begin to perceive the inspiration of Michael.
Yesterday, Naomi Wolf wrote in Outspoken about the potential for a resurgence of “natural” and “plant-based” remedies and medicines. After describing some of the problems with today’s medicine and painting a picture of times where healing occurred largely at home and in communities, she pointed to a turning point in our collective mind-set:
In the early 20th Century, John D Rockefeller moved from the oil industry to the medical world, via his purchase of a German pharmaceutical company. The Rockefeller Foundation then funded the Flexner Report in 1910. The Flexner Report concluded that the many natural healing modalities in use at that time — ranging from chiropractic to homeopathy to herbal remedies — were “unscientific quackery.” Flexner also concluded that America needed a standardized medical education. Abraham Flexner’s findings were used in establishing the American Medical Association. The result of the push launched by John D Rockefeller via Flexner, to clear the landscape of “under-regulated” healers and physicians, was that only the AMA could license physicians in America.
Thomas P Duffy MD, in “The Flexner Report — 100 Years Later”, in The Yale Journal of Biological Medicine, of course puts it rapturously:
“The Flexner Report of 1910 transformed the nature and process of medical education in America with a resulting elimination of proprietary schools and the establishment of the biomedical model as the gold standard of medical training. This transformation occurred in the aftermath of the report, which embraced scientific knowledge and its advancement as the defining ethos of a modern physician. Such an orientation had its origins in the enchantment with German medical education that was spurred by the exposure of American educators and physicians at the turn of the century to the university medical schools of Europe. American medicine profited immeasurably from the scientific advances that this system allowed […]”
This contrast is part and parcel of the polarity we are living in - where so many are discovering common sense in the face of strange and extreme levels of abstraction. The polarity of course is in the gesture of medicine and therapy; intervention vs supportive.
It is key that Naomi Wolf mentions women as traditionally the bringers of real-life health care. Helping and healing with plants, for example, comes from the intuitive side of consciousness, while the more interventative medicine comes from the intellectual side. Both archetypes have their shadows of course, but it is the latter which has been co-opted in these times, falling into the coercive and the abstract. This Flexner Report is the perfect illustration of the great push to instill the mindset - what comes from a lab is what can be trusted. That means what can be measured by the intellect, at the cost of driving out the intuitive comprehension of healing, which if you think about it is equally valid. What's happened is that by mental trickery the shadow of the masculine archetype has been adopted as progress in medicine.
When we work with a plant, we encounter more than the chemicals in the plant. There is a gesture to every plant, and a wisdom, something that originates in the same world as what makes us human. The plant kingdom does not originate from ever simpler life forms evolving by chance mutation, as we have been taught. Redwood trees do not come from grass, and neither do arnica and echinacea. The group spirits of the plants were like children of the world of the Kyriotetes, the spirits of wisdom themselves. And so each plant is made of wisdom.
Not so with artificial chemicals cobbled together in a purely mechanistic way. These have different origin, the mind of man. Don't get me wrong, interventions like drugs and surgery have their place and if you need intervention, you do belong in the hospital. That’s not the point.
The difference is in the gesture of the treatment. Especially in homeopathically potentized remedies, where the physical matter is reduced, we are encountering what is deep inside the plant, its meaning if you will. How else could such remedies have any effect at all? Yet they do.
There is free choice in the mechanism of this kind of therapy. Still with traditional vaccines, there is an element of choice. Long ago, midwives would scrape up the skin on one’s arm and put some puss from a smallpox blister on it. The immune system had the oportunity to recognize the substance, discern what it means, and act by forming an immunity to it. The immune system is like the incarnation of out sense of self; it differenciates inner from outer, self from non-self.
Now, looking at mRNA products, what is the gesture? A code is prepared so it slips into the cell, bypassing the “permission” of the cell, penetrates to the nucleus, the heart of the cell, its mission and purpose, and takes over that purpose (changing it to the production of poisons). What we have done is manipulated the patient with fear and coercion to the point that their discernment is overridden, then injected foreign genetic material into them without their consent. Sound familiar? That is the gesture of this particular form of medicine.
So, would you rather encounter wisdom from the source of wisdom itself, and grow and learn in freedom, or be manipulated and violated? What impulses and forces are at work here, and what are their intentions for humanity? My sense is we need to swing back to a recognition of the intuitive consciousness behind so-called natural medicines, not just their promotion as side-effect free. It’s not just balance that’s needed, but a deeper recognition of the true archetypes in medicine, of their shadow sides, and the wisdom of the human being.
As we have studied before, the gesture of a thing, the way it acts and its quality, is the experience of its living being. They are not separate. The French folk soul is not some disembodied spirit above the clouds, beaming energy at France. It is to be seen in the qualities, the flavor and meaning of Frenchness. It creates a container for people to evolve in the specific milieu needed for this life. The stereotype is something different; the stereotypical French qualities that irritate us are the workings of the shadow folk soul.
So if not only the way a medicine is pushed on people is coercive, but the very mechanism by which it works on a cellular level is manipulative and violating, what kind of living being is behind that product? Not flower fairies.
If we want to know how to deal with the being, the gesture and the mission of the mRNA treatments, the final question is how, with the approaches available to me, can what is behind them be redeemed in any way.
With other fallen, shadow archetypes, looking to the true higher being helps cure the shadow. See Spirit of Political Movements. If you have a difficult coworker, you imagine or better said hold their highest nature - the real human being behind the fussiness on the surface. If someone is too political, you look beyond the stereotype to the true conservative or liberal archetype they were born to work through. If someone is too nationalistic, you look beyond that to the true folk soul of their nation - the folk spirit which is always good, which is intimately involved in the evolution of humankind.
With this product, called by Florida's Harvard educated Surgeon General "the Antichrist of medical products", it's hard to see where it fell from; there was no good intention to start with, everything about it means us ill. Could this spirit, an impulse of manipulation and violation, be a pure dark being created by the adversary as a freestanding force? The world that inspired it is that of Ahriman, quintessence of manipulation and deception.
In the world of archetypes, the Leader, the one who is strong enough, wise enough, to direct others, is seen in the General, the Patriot or the King. Giving direction can only be appropriate among free people when the Leader is beyond reproach, when his being is one of self sacrifice in the name of service to those he is leading.
Every archetype, and archetypes are created by the Kyriotetes, Dynamies and Exusiai, can fall into a shadow. The shadow of being active is being controlling. The shadow of following is being submissive. Strong becomes Brutal, Wisdom becomes Dogma and Guiding becomes Dominating.
In the search for a redemptive counter force, I would be looking to the archetype of the Leader, the Guide and the Priest for the redemptive element which will shine some light into the corrupt and distorted spirit of not only this product, but the whole social-political force that goes with it.
When confronted with the effects of this spirit of violation, you can look to the truest Leader we have, Michael. The embodiment of courage, compassion and the truth is surely the antidote to manipulation and domination. It's literally in his job description.
Thank you for this article. Do you follow the work of Dr Zach Bush? I find myself asking the similar question, has Zach come across the works of Rudolf Steiner?
Hi John
I was wondering. Do you know if Naomi Wolf knows about Rudolf Steiner's groundbreaking work on Spiritual Science and Medicine from 1920?
As far as I know, this is still a recognized field of certification and practice. I realize that it takes time for enlightenment to come upon the world and its human species. Healing has much to do with Mercury forces and the powers of Hermes, the medical magician whose gaze went to the underlying condition of the etheric body behind the physical body, while today's remedies are synthetic chemicals and cutting into the body. How long will it be before we get this knowledge back that modern medical science needs to find again? That book was long out of print before finally being republished again. The Renewal of Medicine through Hermes, God of Mercury.