Everything about human relationships has the possibility to be sacred and holy. Not only is marriage the fastest spiritual path, it can remind us of our highest nature.
This was a very difficult piece for me to write. I hope it comes across that in making this contrast - the viscerally dramatic contrast between the best and the worst relationships - I am not merely calling for action to fight the worst in humanity, but illuminating what the true archetype of relationship is. Only in the realm of intimacy does the dark shadow side fall so far from the ideal. That is because the essence of relationships, love, is central to the human being, who is under renewed attack. And we must do everything in our power to protect what makes us human.
In an intimate relationship, there is often a physical component, which if we could really separate it from the life and soul, which we can’t, would be a perfunctory satisfaction of a drive. Human beings don’t do that though. Even in the most superficial of relationships, there is much more.
On the etheric, or energetic level is where the bond is formed. This is for all relationships, but in intimate ones this gives us the sense of connectedness, the feeling of warmth when waking up together. In the soul, we find not only desire, but caring and the wish for the partner to be happy and well. What is experienced is a seeing of the beauty of the soul - one is touched not just in body but inside the soul. This leads to profound vulnerability, and real intimacy.
What we are still learning is to connect at the spiritual or Ego level. This is specifically the human spirit, not just in the general sense of all things invisible. Who and what someone is at their inmost core… can we see that? It is not that long ago that the physical relationship mostly began after marriage. The origins of this practice are only partly in repressive social mores. There was also a sense that the spiritual connection should be there from the start for it to be a full relationship. Life goals, like living together for a life time, having children, where you want to live and what the mission of your lives is are in fact all on the spiritual level. It is in raising intimacy to this level of connecting; perceiving the true essence of someone, that it attains its full meaning: love. The body, the energy, the soul become servants of love.
The idea has been around for quite a while that human sexuality is part of our “lower nature”, and that spiritual evolution involves overcoming that aspect of ourselves. This involves rejecting, in the sense of erasing, not just our drives but our feelings, and if we can’t eliminate them at least not acting on them. This is one of the biggest lines of crap ever pushed on humanity.
Overcoming anything does not mean getting rid of it, it means transforming it. If you think you have overcome your sexuality, but there’s nothing there in its place, well guess what, all you’ve done is break something precious. (And where did it go? What havoc is this un-transformed but now hidden energy causing?) It’s not that we get rid of sex; it’s that we become stronger than it is. What we get rid of is the compelling, goal-oriented nature of sex. We free the soul from compulsion, and so the lower nature becomes the servant of the higher.
The philosophy that sex is reserved for marriage has several origins, some quite practical. Where it misses the mark is in the idea that sex is immoral and dangerous in and of itself, but in a loving marriage, it’s ok. Maybe because there is a possibility for children to be born, or because it’s accompanied by love, but it’s still sex. This is the problem. We don’t want it to be just sex, whatever the circumstances. It’s true nature, it’s mission is something quite different.
Sexual union gives us the possibility of forming a most intimate bond and connection with another human being. We can experience them not just physically, not just energetically, but we can touch their soul. And we certainly can meet them on the highest level - the spiritual - as we see them for who they are as a pure human being, share their life-goals, hold as our own their life’s-purpose.
Sexuality and bonded relationships are unique among all human phenomena in that they are both incredibly strong and astonishingly delicate. The same event outwardly can raise us to heights of humanness and can also destroy a biography.
Physically, let’s say at the level of the nervous system, there are six kinds of relationship, period. This is not the realm of freedom. Anyone I encounter, I put into one of the categories. I want to: eat them kill them or drive them off; nurture them; be nurtured by them; mate with them; dominate them; submit to them. If you’ve ever seen two guys walk into a room together, you can often see a subtle jockeying to see who is the alpha, either by strength or by wit. In a conversation, a deference to the greater expert can be noticed.
Because of the fundamental, biological nature of these bonds, it is absolutely imperative they not be broken or mixed or confused. If they are, you are in for a world of hurt. If a parent, who is meant to nurture their children, seeks to dominate and subjugate them, they are going to be unable to mature and unfold because they are busy fitting into the dominance hierarchy, learning to please the overbearing parent and pulling themselves out of themselves. Such children have to live in the parents for their own emotional safety, and so the sense of self, which is supposed to be developing, is distorted.
The most damaging and grotesque distortion of basic relationships is when a nurturer seeks a sexual relationship with the nurturee, like a child. Because of the power of sexuality, the entire being is thrown into chaos. The fundamental format of relationships is turned on its head. The consequences vary greatly, but in general they involve misery, terror, a life-time of healing. The very concept of safety itself is removed. In fact, it is almost impossible to assess what is taken from a child in this way.
We know that young children in this world are being sold and rented as sex slaves in an organized way. Estimates are around 100,000 a year at least. Much of the traffic is to satisfy the mentally ill. This is already unforgivable. But it gets worse. Some trafficking rings practice ritual abuse as well. Things are done which I could not possibly bring myself to say. Gigi Young explains an aspect of this by pointing out how the use of blood is something from the depths of time - from Atlantean times - where it had an entirely different nature and function. Today only a backward and degenerate cult would employ it, as it is not of our epoch, and its purpose is to pull fallen entities over into our world. If you have the heart for the full story, you can watch Anneke Lucas’ interview. (starts at 7:45. disturbing content.) She is a Belgian woman who has made it her life’s work to heal from her experiences. She is such a powerful soul that she has transformed them, and become a brilliant spirit working tirelessly for humanity.
I do not talk about this to be sensational. It is simply the absolute worst that humanity has to offer. And where does it come from? The question rarely gets asked, because the whole thing makes us ill. What it is, is the all-out push to de-nature the human being on all levels by breaking what is most sacred. The adversary believes that by inspiring souls to perversion at the most ultimate level, they and the human beings they destroy will never be able to return to the normal course of evolution again. And that’s pretty darn likely.
What kind of karmic detour is created here? Somehow, the creators of humanity always turn evil and catastrophe to something good in the end. But the routes which the souls of children will have to go on this journey of healing are long and painful.
Is it even possible to redeem someone who destroys the innocence of a child - a human being with their whole life before them - and breaks their spirit? If so, It may well take lifetimes. The adversary’s idea, of course, is to remove from the predators their humanity so completely that they literally become sub-human. We are talking about nothing less than different levels of possession, as Rudolf Steiner described in “Spiritual Hierarchies.” You will approach another person, and you will not believe that this is a human being, is what he said. When the fabric of humanity is broken at such a profound level, that is an opening for fallen beings to manifest, to incarnate to some extent, in the vessels vacated by tortured souls.
These beings are the remnants of human beings, and also angels, who have not progressed to the next level of evolution along with the rest of humanity - and they are driven with desire to participate in humanity, in earth life. They are filled with darkness however; they are unredeemed, and when admitted bring only chaos and evil.
What hope is there possibly in this deepest of darknesses? The movement to expose what is going on has been labeled a conspiracy theory and its supporters smeared. Shadows hide the shadows.
Light is what vanquishes shadow. And people are on their feet. The lead actor in “Sound of Freedom” broke down in tears as he said post production “our children are not for sale”. The film has surpassed “The Godfather” at the box office. All who are not part of the mental illness and the evil are getting more riled up by the day - and we will see a great tide turn as more and more of this story comes to light.
Healing and transformation work from what is at a higher level, down into what is less conscious. The life streams and forces give form to the physical body. The soul as a body of light and pure information guides and inspires these formative forces. It is the spirit that purifies and regulates the soul; transforming it over time into a more perfected state, an organ of deepest perception which can connect at will with higher beings and realities. So the soul is freed from its passive and reactive nature, and grows into the realm of freedom, a servant of what is higher.
The transformation we make happen within us - bringing light to all of ourselves and our dark recesses - is far from without effect. Holding living within us the true nature of the human being, and the true nature of sexuality in its pure, light-filled form, frees the soul. In freeing the soul, making it more and more the image of its divine nature, we transform all of the soul world. They are not completely separate. As the human spirit shines down into our soul and transforms it, the spirit world redeems the soul world, the astral world. It is happening. It cannot be stopped.
Thank you for touching upon this difficult and essential topic. I won’t put a ‘like’, though ... 🌤️